News: Not much really. Work (sucks), sleep, work, sleep, ad infinitum, ad nauseum. Got Guitar Hero I & II, so I've been rocking out when I can. Drawing again. New stuff up soon. Need a vacation. I'm getting sick of the Slave Pit (aka Denny's), but I don't want to quit, so I NEED a break. Just gotta talk to the Powers That Be first. Maybe tomorrow, when I figure out when I want a break.
I want to start a webcomic soon, but I have too many ideas in my oversized head. I'm going to start writing them down, then narrow my choices down to one (or two). More as it develops.
Now, more old sketches. I wonder if I have any left.

So you know Kung-Fu eh.... show me.
Wicked stuff Dane. Im getting close to what I want to do for my web comic, kinda....mabey yeah still got a long way to go.Ima going to be posting some characters soon though on me ol blog. Anywho when you do decide to take some time off we should get together and sketch it up.
You think thats air your breathing?
Thanx, Stan! And Thanx for the Matrix quotes there Morpheus. Can't wait to see more of your shizznit.
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