You: But, Dane. It's Sunday. The weekend's over.
That's pretty much how most of my conversations go (well, not really; just building street cred... on my self-promoting blog, no less).
Okay, enough blah blah blah. More art. This time, from this fantasy world I've been building in my *snort* spare time. *uncontrollable laughter*
Anyways, onwards...
Conor mac Mane mac Eogan, AKA Conor Wolf's Child, AKA Wolfchild, AKA Farwander. I have a lot planned for this guy.

Draegyn mac Sidhe ("shee". Commonly "faerie"). Here I called him "Kinslayer". A former Brandubh ("Black Raven," a group of assassins). The marks on his face (to be in red) are his exile marks.

Tallyn Stormrider, swordmaiden. The Stormrider clan is both respected and feared for their fighting skills.

Bregan mac Fergus, AKA Doomwalker. "Doom follows in his tread."

Good gods, I put WAY too much thought into this stuff.
Well, that's all fer now. I need sleep. L8r, y'all.
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